For us, Activity Mine was an unusual project. It was not only because for the first time we carried out such a big social initiative which furthermore merged two business competitors at the time. Primarily, however, it made it possible to conduct five campaigns for the benefit of children and young people from local communities!
The aim of the Activity Mine was to increase the involvement of people employed in the mining industry in life of local communities. Two largest Polish manufacturers of mining machinery – FAMUR and Kopex – were involved in the project, accompanied by three aid organizations: TDJ Foundation, ‘Chcemy Pomóc’ Association and ‘Rzecz Społeczna’ Foundation. The initiative was financially supported by the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy.
10 volunteers were recruited from among the employees of the two mining companies being competitors at the time (at present, KOPEX is a part of the FAMUR Group). The volunteers completed a series of training sessions in order to gain skills required to implement their own projects. They could rely on a constant mentoring of experienced community leaders.
– Even the smallest pro-social initiatives can trigger something big – they can encourage action and support. With this in mind, we started the Activity Mine project. We have tried to share knowledge with the participants on how to effectively plan and organize civil campaigns – assessed Janusz Gorol of TDJ Foundation, being one of the Activity Mine’s partners.
As a result of the Activity Mine, 5 mini projects for children and young people were initiated by the staff of Kopex and Famur:
1. ‘Music of Angels’ (‘Muzyka Aniołów’) – a gospel workshop and a concert organized together with the pupils of ‘Dom Aniołów Stróżów’ (‘House of the Guardian Angels’) Association in Katowice.
2. ‘You are important’ (‘Jesteś ważny’) – sports and fun activities for children from an orphanage in Gliwice.
3. ‘Sporty Kids’ (‘Sportowe dzieciaki’)- fun activities to celebrate Children’s Day for the families of Famur employees and the children cared for by the community day care centre in Katowice.
4. ‘Safe car seat’ (‘Bezpieczny fotelik’) – a festival promoting the principles of safe travel by car among preschoolers and their parents in Zabrze.
5. ‘Paint the world for children’ (‘Pokoloruj dzieciom świat’) – support for the campaign of painting the outpatient unit of a pediatric hospital in Katowice.
Duration: | July 2016 – November 2017 |
Range of the campaign: | Silesian Voivodeship |
Partners of the campaign: | FAMUR, KOPEX, TDJ Foundation, ‘Chcemy Pomóc’ Association, ‘Rzecz Społeczna’ Foundation, |
The Activity Mine project was implemented with the support of the Operational Programme Civic Initiatives Fund of the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy.