Wind power industry
For 40 years we’ve been designing, delivering and repairing gearboxes intended for many industry segments, including but not limited to underground and open-pit mining, cargo handling machines, gantry cranes, as well as bulk materials transportation machines and energy industries. We have extensive competences in the design and optimization of gearboxes and drives. Our experience and technological possibilities allow us to implement projects strictly tailored to the customer requirements. Together with Total Wind PL, we offer replacement of major turbine components as well as maintenance and installation services.
We are members of the prestigious non-profit organization APQP4Wind that has been setting standards in the wind industry worldwide for many years. As a result, we have staff trained in the use of production quality management methodology for the needs of the global wind energy market.
The FAMUR Gearo branch office in Katowice-Piotrowice brings together all activities in the field of solutions for wind energy and the production of industrial gear. FAMUR Gearo is an opening to new market sectors and a consequence of activities related to building FAMUR’s competencies in the area of green technologies.